The stupid neither forgive nor forget. the naive forgive and forget. the wise forgive, but do not forget. - Thomas Szasz 



Yang tergolong prosa baru adalah roman, novel, cerpen, biografi, drama, kritik, dan esai.

Bentuk prosa baru yang mengisahkan kehidupan pelaku utamanya dengan segala suka dukanya. Dalam roman, pelaku utamanya sering diceritakan mulai dari masa kanak-kanak sampai dewasa atau meninggal dunia. Berdasarkan kandungan isinya, roman dibedakan atas beberapa macam, antara lain sebagai berikut:

1. Roman bertendens,
yang di dalamnya terselip maksud tertentu, atau yang mengandung pandangan hidup yang dapat dipetik oleh pembaca untuk kebaikan. Contoh:
Layar Terkembang oleh : Sutan Takdir Alisyahbana.
Salah Asuhan oleh: Abdul Muis.
Darah Muda oleh: Adinegoro.
2. Roman sosial,
memberikan gambaran tentang keadaan masyarakat. Biasanya yang dilukiskan mengenai keburukan-keburukan masyarakat yang bersangkutan.
Sengsara Membawa Nikmat oleh: Tulis St. Sati.
Neraka Dunia oleh: Adinegoro.
3. Roman sejarah,
yaitu roman yang isinya dijalin berdasarkan fakta historis, peristiwa-peristiwa sejarah, atau kehidupan seorang tokoh dalam sejarah. Contoh:
Hulubalang Raja oleh: Nur St. Iskandar.
Tambera oleh: Utuy Tatang Sontani.
Surapati oleh: Abdul Muis.
4. Roman psikologis,
yaitu roman yang lebih menekankan gambaran kejiwaan yang mendasari segala tindak dan perilaku tokoh utamanya.
Atheis oleh: Achdiat Kartamiharja.
Katak Hendak Menjadi Lembu oleh: Nur St. Iskandar.
Belenggu oleh: Armijn Pane.
5. Roman detektif,
yang isinya berkaitan dengan kriminalitas. Dalam roman ini yang sering menjadi pelaku utamanya seorang agen polisi yang tugasnya membongkar berbagai kasus kejahatan.
Mencari Pencuri Anak Perawan oleh: Suman HS.
Percobaan Seria oleh: Suman HS.
Kasih Tak Terlerai oleh: Suman HS.



here is this shout that still keeps ringing in my ears : “RUN THE WATER’S IS COMING!”

Sunday morning began hotter than usual. The sun was really bright at just 7:50 a.m. At home I was enjoying my coffe and reading the local dialy,Serambi Indonesia. Sunday is when young poeple head for Ulee Lhee beach,only five kilometers from the town. After swimming they would usualy have a picnic on the beach with food from home.
Suddenly my newspaper shook in my hands. The shaking became increasingly stronger. I ran out of the house with my two younger siblings. We shouted His name – La illaha illallah (There is no God but Allah). The quake got stronger and we clutched on to one another. Water in the gutters shook and spilled over.
The shouts grew louder amid the sound of a tree cracking,ready to crash. Neighbours hugged one another, some crying. This lasted for several minutes. It left cracked walls and pale faces. No one went into their homes. We live about six kilometers from the beach.
Half an hour later another quake occurred and everyone was hysterical, thought it was of a lesser strenght. I felt very worried. Quakes are common in Aceh but not like the first one.

Recount text

Recount text


Last month,We went to Jatim Park I with our big family.We started our trip at 9 a.m.We went there by car.In the trip,We saw beautiful sea.
At Jatim Park I,we played all games.Like a jet coaster,ghost house,flying fox,e.t.c.Then we ate at the restaurant.After lunch,we went to Bakpo Telo.I bought some food and drink.
We felt so tired so we went out from Bakpo Telo at 5 p.m.We arrived in our home at 7 p.m.Thats all about my experiens,I think that my vocation on Jatim Park with my family wont be forgotten.This is one of my special moments.



·         ¼ CUP OF SUGAR

1.      Mix the butter,sugar and honey in frying pan
2.      Stir over low heat until all the sugar is dissolved
3.      Bring the mixture to a boil,then remove from heat
4.      Put the corn flakes into a large bowl
5.      Add in the honey mixture
6.      Stir the honey mixture gently into the corn flakes
7.      Spoon the mixture into a greased baking a tray and bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes
8.      Let the mixture cool,then cut it into squares with a knife and serve.




A fox fell into a well and couldn’t get out.By and by a thirsty goat came along.Seeing the fox in the well it asked if the water was good.”GOOD”,said the fox.”It’s the best water I’ve tasted in all my life.Come down and try it yourself.”

The goat was thirsty so he got into the well.When he had drunk enough he looked around and but there was no away to get out.Then,the fox said,”I have a good idea.You stand on your hind legs and put your forelegs againts the side of the well.Then I’ll climb on your back,from there I’ll step on your horns,and I can get out.And when I’m out I’ll help you out of the well.”

The goat did as he was asked and the fox got on his back and climbed out of the well.Them he coolly walked away.The goat called out loudly after him and reminded hin of his promise to help him out.The fox merely turned to him and said,”if you only had thouger him and reminded hin of his promise to help him out.The fox merely turned to him and said,”if you only had thought carefully about getting out,you wouldn’t have junped into the well.”

The goat felt very sad.He called out loudly.An old man walking nearby heard him and put a plank into the well.The goat got out and thanked the old man.

Cerpen Bahasa Indonesia


Bulan puasa adalah bulan suci.Bulan yang penuh berkah.Tak bisa dipungkiri bahwa pada bulan-bulan seperti ini, kelesuan hampir menjalari wajah-wajah siswa SMA Merah Putih.Bisa dibayangkan,betapa sulitnya berkonsentrasi pada pelajaran sementara perut mereka asyik ber-‘keroncong ria’.
Tapi kata Wak Haji,kalau puasa itu nggak boleh dipikirin laparnya.Dosa,dan bisa dituduh enggak rela puasa sama Tuhan.Dan berpuasa bukan Cuma menahan lapar dan haus.Tapi juga nafsu lainnya,termasuk ngomongin orang lain.Nah,ini yang kayaknya berat buat mereka.Bayangin aja,sebulan penuh ngggak boleh nggosip di sekolah.Wu,mana tahan?
Tapi itu tetap peraturan.Buktinya di pojokan perpustakaan,Ruri masih menyempatkan diri untuk nggosip sama teman-temannya.Lupus yang lagi asik nyari buku dekat-dekat situ,bisa memergoki.
“Hayo,mulai ya nggosip lagi!”
Ruri kaget,tapi dengan cepat ia menjawab pertanyaan Lupus walu sedikit rasa malu.Lupus sering tidak bisa menahan senyum kalau ingat hal itu.Seperti sekarang,secara nggak sadar,dia tersenyum-senyum sendirian di metro mini.Di depan ada cewek cakep.Dan,oh God,cewek itu membalas senyum nyasar dari Lupus.Gimana nggak ge-er?
“Halo,”sapa Lupus berani.”Mau kemana?” Gadis itu tersenyum lagi.Senyum yang penuh godaan.”Ke blok M,nih.Mau shopping.Anterin,yuk?”
Lupus agak kaget.Agresif banget cewek ini.Dan tanpa menunggu ajakan yang kedua,beberapa saat kemudian,Lupus telah berjalan keliling-keliling Blok M berduaan dengan cewek tadi.Dari situ dia tahu,namanya Evan.Banyak sekali yang dibelinya.Seluruh Blok M dikelilinginya.
Jam tiga siang mereka berhenti di depan A-Ha.Evan mengajak masuk.Lupus jelas menolak,meski dia merasa sangat lapar dan haus.
Eva merayu dan merajuk Lupus untuk menemaninya makan.Setelah cukup lama Eva merayu,dan jebollah pertahanan Lupus.Lupus masuk dengan rasa ragu-ragu.Setelah memastikan tidak ada orang mengenalinya,Lupus pun masuk dan memesan beberapa makanan.